SIMS Reports
If you are unable to use the built in SIMS extract tool, for example, if you are a school with remotely hosted / terminal server SIMS, we have designed a report that you can run from within SIMS to extract all the basic pupil details, along with class data and photos.
The report below can be downloaded, unzipped and then imported into SIMS.
The report below can be downloaded, unzipped and then imported into SIMS.
- Once you have imported it into SIMS, run it - When you run the report it will ask you to set the "Effective Date" and choose a Year Group to filter by.
- If you need last year's year 11, set the effective date back to when those pupils were in year 11 and on timetable.
- This will compile the data as an .XML file.
- This can be imported into 4Matrix via the Sims Extract import wizard; Simply choose the 'Load saved extract..' option in step 2.
- You will then need to import results/termly assessment grades separately by exporting a marksheet from SIMS, and then work through the spreadsheet import wizard to merge the results with the pupil data. Please refer to the application guide or video tutorials if you require guidance with adding data to an existing series.