Quick Installation
In this topic:
- Summary of Processes
- What does the 4Matrix Network Manager do?
- Install 4Matrix Desktop once the Network Manager setup is complete
- Launching 4Matrix Desktop for the first time
1. Summary of Processes
4Matrix Desktop is designed as a networked application to be used by all levels of staff to share performance data and carry out research.
It comes in 2 parts; The Server application (4Matrix Network Manager) and the Client application (4Matrix Desktop). The 4Matrix Network Manager installs the SQL database which 4Matrix Desktop will connect to and must be installed first. Once this is complete, the client files are generated by the 4Matrix Network Manager, which are then deployed to clients or run as a shared application.
The installation process is broken into a check-list as follows. Each step is covered in greater detail in subsequent topics, if required.
2. What does the 4Matrix Network Manager do?
Once installed, the 4Matrix Network Manager application will manage the installation of the SQL Server and database that 4Matrix will use. The setup process is designed to walk the user through these steps with ease.
Usually, this application can be left alone once the initial setup is complete. Possible exceptions to this will be if the school decides to move the server that the 4Matrix Database lives on, or when needing to take or schedule a backup.
Other functions of the 4Matrix Network Manager include:
- Installing the web add-on, 4Matrix Infinity (please contact support to proceed with this).
- A tool for checking connection statuses and Firewall exception rules.
- Functions to Backup and Restore the 4Matrix Desktop database. Use the Backup option to manually make a Backup when required, but we recommend using a Windows Task to make backups automatically (see separate topic).
- Access both the Install Guide and Remote Support from the Help menu.
3. Installing 4Matrix Desktop once the Network Manager setup is complete
- Navigate to your client set-up folder (as created in Step 3, above). You will find a link to this path on the main screen of the 4Matrix Network application in the 'Installer Location' line:
- Inside this folder will be the files 4MClient.msi, Settings and LauncherSettings.xml.
Important: The 4Matrix Network Manager ships with Client MSI version We strongly recommend downloading the latest MSI from https://www.4Matrix.com/downloads and adding this to your client set-up folder, replacing the older version. Not seeing LauncherSettings.xml? Download this file from the same link.
- On a standalone PC, simply run the 4MClient.msi and work through the install process. If using Group Policy, use this folder as your deployment package.
Additional client install information:
- For information on configuring 4Matrix to run from a shared folder, please see: Running From a Shared Folder.
- Using Group Policy, the Settings and LauncherSettings files should automatically 'go' with the deployment of the msi.
- SCCM users may need to use an argument to force Settings to go with the installation, see https://www.help.4matrix.com/knowledgebase.php?article=14
4. Quick Reference: Launching 4Matrix Desktop for the first time
- Launch 4Matrix Desktop from the applications menu or available shortcut.
- 4Matrix will prompt the user to enter their School ID - this can be found on your Welcome email. This is a one-time process that licences the database.
- Once the licence is verified, login using Office or Staff. Use the password Password (with a capital P). These options may not appear if you are using Active Directory login with 4Matrix.