Templates for use with the KS3 Curriculum-Driven Assessment System (CDA)
A completed template is shown below for Computing. This includes Attainment Targets, a Planning Grid, the Scheme of Work and Learning Objectives. You can download the example by clicking on the image. Blank templates for other subjects can be downloaded from the bottom of the page. In due course, completed subject templates that have been shared by 4Matrix schools will be available to download from the KS3 Library
Complete example for Computing
This Excel spreadsheet has been completed to show an example analysis of the Computing Subject Content.
Download the example by clicking on the image to the right.
It includes 5 tabs which show:
- Details: The name of the subject and map setting (4Matrix use only)
- AT: The National Curriculum Subject Content (known as Attainment Targets)
- LO: The Learning Objectives
- Planning: A completed Planning Grid with the 'Key Concepts and Big Ideas' highlighted in gold
- Teaching: The Scheme of Work
This is an example only. Please edit this to reflect your own professional analysis of the learning elements of this subject.
Blank Templates
These Excel templates include tabs for Subject Outcomes, Planning, Teaching and Learning, per subject. Each template contains the new National Curriculum Subject Content for that subject in the Attainment (AT) and Planning tabs.
You can use the completed example for Computing (above) for reference when completing the template for your subject.
Please click a subject to download its template. Alternatively, you can download all subjects as a .zip file by clicking All Subjects at the bottom of the list.

If you have any questions, suggestions or would otherwise like to contact us about these templates or their use,
please send an email to: mike@4matrix.com
The text of the Subject Content templates is © Crown copyright 2013
The structure and use of these templates are © New Media Learning Ltd 2015