Missing Qualifications
This page lists all requested 'Missing Qualifications' - those not included in 4Matrix by default. This will tend to be qualifications that are not approved for inclusion in performance measures.
To use this page:
1) You can filter by QAN or name using the Search bar below
2) Click the filename of the qualification that you require and choose to download it to a chosen location
3) You can then import the file into 4Matrix by going to Admin > Files > Missing Qualification
4) Drag and drop the saved file onto the target area in the Missing Qualifications window
5) Remember to close and re-open any windows in 4Matrix to refresh the data
***This page was last 'reset' on 25th October 2022***
To use this page:
1) You can filter by QAN or name using the Search bar below
2) Click the filename of the qualification that you require and choose to download it to a chosen location
3) You can then import the file into 4Matrix by going to Admin > Files > Missing Qualification
4) Drag and drop the saved file onto the target area in the Missing Qualifications window
5) Remember to close and re-open any windows in 4Matrix to refresh the data
***This page was last 'reset' on 25th October 2022***